St. Peter and St. Hubert Parish

Welcome to St. Peter and St. Hubert Parish
St. Peter and St. Hubert Congregation is a community, rich in faith and dedicated to the traditions of the Holy Catholic Church. Our Mission is to continue the teachings of Jesus by providing quality liturgy, religious education for all ages, pastoral care, and to serve our community with a positive attitude.

Regular Mass Times:
Saturdays 4:00pm - St Hubert's in Rosiere
Sundays 10:15am - St. Peter's in Lincoln
Adoration - 4th Saturday each month 3:00pm - 3:45pm in Rosiere

For the latest news and fastest updates, be sure to St. Peter and St. Hubert Parish

Parish Administrator: Fr. Antonio Rex Palaya
Parish Bookkeeper & Secretary: Julie Engebose

Parish Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00am - 4:00pm

St. Peter and St. Hubert Parish


St. Peter and St. Hubert Parish

Join our Eucharistic Ministry Team by becoming a Lector or Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister! Fill out the form here and we'll be in touch about training!

One by One Campaign - help our parish reach our goal!
It is time for the 2025 Bishop's Appeal. You can also give online (click here).
You can now give to the parish electronically. Click the picture below to head to our giving site:
St. Peter and St. Hubert Parish 

Weekly Bulletins



Religious Education Program           
2024-2025 Handbook & Schedule

Confirmation preparation classes are offered for 12th grade students who has completed all previous years of Faith Formation. 

Guidelines for the cemetary's can be found HERE

Are you traveling and need to find a local parish? Use Catholic Mass Times to find a local parish!

Upcoming Events
Finance Council:
Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Rosiere site
Parish Pastoral Committee:
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at the Rosiere site
Second Sunday of the month at Rosiere site from 1-3:30pm


Current Schedules
October - December 2024 Liturgical Schedule
January - March 2025 Liturgical Team Schedule

If you’d like to join our teams, please contact us!

Our parish runs a Scrip program as a year-round fundraiser. Purchasing scrip costs you nothing extra but helps the parish out greatly! Please consider purchasing scrip for all your grocery, gas, and general shopping needs!

Click Here for the order form. Scrip can be purchased before and after each Mass. If you’re interested, we are always looking for more help selling scrip!

Each person has an inherent dignity as a beloved child of God.  The Diocese of Green Bay is committed to providing a safe environment in our parishes, in our schools, in our Faith Formation programs, and in all of our ministries, especially those that serve children, youth and individuals at risk. If you want to learn more about the programs and resources available through the Diocese of Green Bay to live out this commitment, click here.

In Memoriam

November 2024 - October 2025
Linda M. Yunk - November 30, 2024
Betty L. Jadin - December 28, 2024
James F. Wautlet - January 3, 2025
Allen J. Ronsman - January 24, 2025


Please patronize our local sponsors

Wiesner & Massart/Kinnard FCSMarchant's FoodsDairyland Seed - Baudhuin Seed Sales
Sir Speedy PrintingVlies ElectricBelgian Delight
Bank of LuxemburgLuxemburg ImplementEngine Rebuilding Service
The Cobbler ShopDelain InsuranceRenewable Energies
Renier Sanitation LTDCasco Kidz ZoneVillage Kitchen
J Jadin, Inc.Belgian Heritage CenterMcMahon's of Luxemburg
Rio Creek Feed MillEllisville-Luxemburg CooperativeCountry Visions Cooperative
Kinnard FarmsKurt Thiry Auto BodyRM Masonry
Wiese Memorial & Burial VaultKare Auto, LLCS.D.A. Lawn Service
Please contact us with any questions you may have!

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